Friday, August 12, 2011

Socotra Island, Island of the World’s Strangest Tour And Travel | Travel Information

Name        : Socotra Island
Location   : Indian Ocean
Country    : Yaman

This location is very beautiful and stunning highly inappropriate for a family vacation who want to travel. This location is ideal and will never regret after the visit.

It is like being on a different planet... These pictures and information are excellent viewing and reading. Socotra Island: You have to see it to believe it. This island simply blows away any notion about what is considered "normal" for a landscape on Earth

The second would be closer to the truth for this island, which is part of a group of four islands, has been geographically isolated from mainland Africa for the last 6 or 7 million years. Like the Galapagos Islands, this island is teeming with 700 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth. 

The climate is harsh, hot, and dry, and yet - the most amazing plant life thrives there. Situated in the Indian Ocean 250 km from Somalia and 340 km from Yemen, the wide sandy beaches rise to limestone plateaus full of caves (some 7 km in length) and mountains up to 1,525 metres high.


Paris - Sana'a
Take off in the evening with Yemen Airways.
CDG1 Airport. - Night flight - 
Landing in Sana'a in the early morning. Transfer to the capital.
Visit of Sana
'a, discovery of its unique architectural style, and its picturesque Bazaars.
Visit of the National Museum which exposes a beautiful collection of art and archaeology.
Overnight at the hotel in Sana'
Sana'a - Taiz - Aden
Departure in the morning to Taiz, the city of the south. Crossing of the mountainous area of green Yemen. Fields of "qat" and coffee cultures alternate with the mountainous landscapes of South Arabia. Crossing of several villages with their typically local architecture, which give a good idea of the art to build in Yemen.
Arrival at Ta
iz in the afternoon. Stop in the Taiz Bazaars, before carrying on our route to Aden. Arrival in the late afternoon. (transportation will be done in a 4WD Toyota - 4 passengers per car).
Overnight at the hotel in
Aden .
Aden - Socotra (domestic flight)
Departure on domestic flight : Aden-Socotra : 11am - 1.45 pm

The Island of Socotra is located more than 1,000 km south-east of Aden and 250 km off Guardafui Cape in Somalia. The island (3,580 sq. km) only had 15,000 inhabitants at the beginning of 1990, living from fishing and pearls searching. Because of the dryness, agriculture is limited to dates and condiments productions.
Isolated for a long time, the lack of substructures (few dhows and the landing strip is very recent), as well as the few interest expressed by the land authorities, maintained this isolation. Today, and more recently, a airline regular service of Yemenia has been establishes between mainland and island.
However, the interest for the island is obvious, historically, ethnologically and ecologically, the flora is exceptional, one discovers there, tropical plants and trees with surprising proportions and forms.
The infrastructures are modest, except a "small funduk" (kind of inn with few comfort), in Hadiboh, the capital city, everywhere else, we can only rely on our camping gear (imported tents and gear from France).
Overnight at Hadiboh in "funduk"

The big island - Hadiboh - Ras Habek

Exploration of the settings which contain an exceptional flora, and amazing landscapes, dominating an emerald sea. Discovery of the specific island forest : the adenium obesum sokotranum, "the desert rose", flourishes here, Dracaena, as well as Aloe, can be seen amongst the rocks.
Return to
Hadiboh - Overnight in the "funduk"., 

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