Monday, August 15, 2011

Yap (Micronesia) - Exotic Island Tour And Travel | Travel Information

Name        : Micronesia Island
Location   : Hawaii
Country    : Hawaii
This location is very beautiful and stunning highly inappropriate for a family vacation who want to travel. This location is ideal and will never regret after the visit.
Yap is an island in the Federated States of Micronesia. It is mostly known to scuba divers as being one of the few places in the world (if not the only place in the world) where you can dive with Manta Rays every day. It is also known for the large stone money that is still used for large transactions (US dollars are used for common transactions). It is very remote and can be reached by plane only two days a week. It has less than 100 rooms for rent on the entire island and only a very few places to eat since the locals never eat in restaurants. It is the most traditional island in Micronesia where traditional clothing is still worn. If fact, the moment you step off the airplane a topless woman will great you with a fresh flower lei. Even in Colonia (the capitol and only somewhat modern village on the island) it is not uncommon for woman to work in stores bare breasted. All in all, it is about as exotic place as you could ever find to visit.

The history of Micronesia begins 3,000 years ago when the first canoes traveled to the islands from South East Asia. Much later the culture of Micronesia was influenced by Spain, Germany, Japan, and the United States.

The Federated States of Micronesia grew out of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands created after World War Two.
The Marshall Islands and Palau seceded from the Trust Territory to form countries of their own, while the Northern Marianas joined the United States.
Kiribati and Nauru formerly had ties to Australia or Britain. It's a fascinating area, worthy of your,

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