Thursday, September 22, 2011

Visit Tanjung Tinggi island Tour And Travel | Travel Information

Name        : Tanjung Tinggi island
Location   : Indonesia
Country    : Indonesia
This location is very beautiful and stunning highly inappropriate for a family vacation who want to travel.

Do you want to visit to one of the most beautiful beach in south east Asia? you don't have to go to Pattaya beach in thailand or to Sanur beach in Bali, just 45 minutes from Jakarta, if you eager to see it, then welcome to Tanjung Tinggi Beach, I guarantee you'll get excitement and you'll be satisfied there. Tanjung Tinggi beach or also kown as Bilik beach is located in the Keciput Village District of Sijuk Belitung province.

A district that are in the province of Bangka Belitung Islands and famous for the Rainbow troops movie area, is very strategic because it flanked by three large islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan. Although it is in the province of Bangka Belitung, but not a single mainland Belitung province is join with the bangka, it's a separated island with the area, along with the City of East Belitung.

Belitung is an Island  around the open seas and small islands, although the shape of Belitung is an Islands, but the Islands has 98 large and small islands around it. While the boundaries of the territory owned by the province are the Natuna Sea in the north, East Belitung province in the east, Java Sea in the south and the Straits of Gaspar in the west.

the natural beauty of Tanjung Tinggi beach is very alluring and exotic. As far as our eye could see, we only see the beauty of it. The combination of fine white sand exposed to the sun shining and granite boulders that stood handsome and stately, Tanjung Tinggi beach has its own character in the face of the beauty of beaches in Indonesia
Tanjung Tinggi is a beach that is flanked by two peninsula. This white sand beach,and only because there are hundreds of huge granite boulders scattered across the peninsula and in the sea off the beach. Granite dimension from a few hundred cubic meters cubic meters more than the construction of houses.stones stacked to form objects of interest that you can clearly see from thephoto-fotonya.Batu above the sand-stone white. As you can see from thephoto, you can go.

This is the place for you to take a break, drink a coffee or lunch. They are justordinary people from the village who opened a simple restaurant. Many yearnfor a vacation and visit the island. The day of Saint Valentine is probablysayng place to spend time with your partner. The couple meet theserequirements will no doubt feel happy when you and your partner to take a vacation here. Since the island is affected, as well as a romantic island.

this place is very beautiful and very wonderfull. if anyone here would not have been able to forget. do not deny that many domestic and foreign tourists are very impressed after visiting this place. and they want to return to this place for their holidays.

thank you for visiting this blog may be useful for you. and do not forget to come back to find references to your holiday to come.

source:this place is very beautiful and very wonderfull. if anyone here would not have been able to forget. do not deny that many domestic and foreign tourists are very impressed after visiting this place. and they want to return to this place for their holidays.

thank you for visiting this blog may be useful for you. and do not forget to come back to find references to your holiday to come.,

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