Thursday, September 29, 2011

Visit coast Nihiwatu , west Sumbawa Tour And Travel | Travel Information

Name        : Nihiwatu
Location   : west Sumbawa
Country    : Indonesia
This location is very beautiful and stunning highly inappropriate for a family vacation who want to travel.

The beach is also Wanokaka Nihiwatu. The beach is located in a smallfishing village is a place of execution at the ceremony early in the morningbefore Nyale Pasola. Located 21 km south of the city of  Waikabubak. Thewaves of this site is one of the fastest around. There is no doubt that if Nihiwatu is one of the most beautiful beaches waves in Indonesia, and even the world. Do not just surf, this place can also enjoy various other exciting activities like a horse on the beach, fishing, mountain biking diving, bird watching and hiking to the waterfall. The beach is famous for its sea water isa beautiful rugged coastline a lot of people. 

this place is very beautiful and very wonderfull. if anyone here would not have been able to forget. do not deny that many domestic and foreign tourists are very impressed after visiting this place. and they want to return to this place for their holidays.

thank you for visiting this blog may be useful for you. and do not forget to come back to find references to your holiday to come.

source:this place is very beautiful and very wonderfull. if anyone here would not have been able to forget. do not deny that many domestic and foreign tourists are very impressed after visiting this place. and they want to return to this place for their holidays.

thank you for visiting this blog may be useful for you. and do not forget to come back to find references to your holiday to come.


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