Saturday, September 17, 2011

Visit Segovia Castle Tour And Travel | Travel Information

Name        : Segovia Castle
Location   : -
Country    : -
This location is very beautiful and stunning highly inappropriate for a family vacation who want to travel.


Without wanting to "give the game away" its safe to say that Segovia castle was built in the 12th century and has been extensively modified, rebuilt and altered by a succesion of Spanish kings and queens. Presently it serves as a popular tourist attraction and also home to a extensive series of military records (not on public display).

The Alcazar de Segovia has been a popular retreat for Spanish kings and queens down the ages although far more as a ceremonial residence than as a military stronghold. The natural defences of hilltop Segovia contributed enough in that respect. For this reason the castle is one of Spains most ornate when viewed from the outside and remarkably detailed on the interior.

Segovias castle is perched atop a cliff face at the far end of the historic old town Segovia overlooking two rivers that merge at the cliffs base. With its situation being such it is possible to drive through the old town and arrive at the castle simply by following the signs marked "El Alcazar".

Whilst driving is the most convenient way for time pressed tourists there is almost no parking available close to the castle and as such unless travelling with registered disabled passengers its advisable to park in the public parking at the base of the aqueduct and walk through the city to the castle. The journey is no more than 20 minutes if one doesn't stop along the way to view the rest of Segovias attractions!
Visiting all these attractions in Segovia is particularly easy due to the city's close proximity to Madrid and its international airport. The 54 mile drive is done in less than an hour via a twin-bore tunnel going under the Guadarrama Mountains, which totally and quite effectively separate this sleepy Castillan town from the over 3 million people in Spain's capital city. The mountains also provide a dramatic backdrop to Segovia's monumental skyline, particularly in winter and spring when covered with snow. The city's elevation of 3,280 ft. provides a refreshing atmosphere during the long summer evenings for enjoying the dozens of sidewalk cafes and terraces, especially on the streets and plazas where no cars are permitted. Buses leave Madrid for Segovia every half hour and trains every two hours, with round trip fares for under $10 US.

Here are some photographs and links which will give you an idea of some of the other historic monuments in Segovia, Spain, (pop. 53.237, elev. 3,280 ft.) whose entire monumental complex was declared Patrimony of Mankind by UNESCO in 1985.
this place is very beautiful and very wonderfull. if anyone here would not have been able to forget. do not deny that many domestic and foreign tourists are very impressed after visiting this place. and they want to return to this place for their holidays.

thank you for visiting this blog may be useful for you. and do not forget to come back to find references to your holiday to come.

source:this place is very beautiful and very wonderfull. if anyone here would not have been able to forget. do not deny that many domestic and foreign tourists are very impressed after visiting this place. and they want to return to this place for their holidays.

thank you for visiting this blog may be useful for you. and do not forget to come back to find references to your holiday to come., 

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